Inquiry 5 Blog Post

  • The audience of my work is going to be incoming freshman to Miami University who have to take ENG 111. I decided that they are going to be my audience because I believe after they see my portfolio, they will better understand how to manipulate and use audience in their papers and how they can do different things to reach a specific audience versus a different type of audience. My purpose is to show these incoming freshman that their are certain ways to express who your audience is, along with different ways to reach an audience, before they come into class. I think they would do much better in the class with a bit of background information on how to reach an audience. I plan to discuss audience as my main concept just because I think we have had to learn how to reach different, and very specific, kinds of audiences. We have had to learn how to reach broad audience, specific audiences (like one specific person), and we have had to learn different techniques on how to do that successfully. I had never really focused on audience before I came into this class, and I know I have gotten much better at specifically reaching my audience through different techniques. Through context, medium, purpose, and sources, you can reach a different audience and I want to explain and show how I have learned those different techniques throughout the semester and why those are really effective in reaching an audience. I am not 100% sure on what medium I am going to put my portfolio in. I do not want to put it in a word document because I would like to include visuals and I do not think that writing a word document would do me any good in expressing my concept. I do want to make a website, a tumblr, or other kind of visual aspect to express my concept because I believe it will help me reach the incoming freshman even further.I plan on focusing a little brit on my inquiry 1 because i had to explain why I chose a poem and how that helped me reach my intended audience. I also plan on comparing how my audience changes from inquiry 3 to inquiry 4 even though I was talking about the same topic. I would like to highlight the different things I did in both of those to express how you can reach different types of audiences. 


A few titles I am considering include: Is Fashion Important? and Fashion Courses. I could make my title fun or I could make it serious since my topic is both serious and fun. I have a lot of options so I think I could go a lot of ways, and I think I will come up with some more ideas as I go along. The description will include my sources and also some information about Miami’s Farmer School of Business maybe.